[Bf-viewport] Temporal anti-aliasing for Eevee

Corey Richardson corey at octayn.net
Thu Jun 8 01:52:46 CEST 2017


I'm interested in working on TAA for eevee. I see it's on the wiki page as
"if we have time". I have a few questions:

1. Would this contribution be welcome at this point? 

I have a vague sketch of an idea of how to implement it, based on mostly
[Karis2014], but also some other minor slide decks, but still some thinking
and looking at the draw engine code.

2. Are you sure you want to use TAA as it appears in UE4?

"Filmic SMAA" [Jimenez2016] also looks really promising to me, and uses 
some of the same techniques. The big open question with it is the feasibility of
implementing it with GL 3.3.

Let me know what you think!

[Karis2014] - http://advances.realtimerendering.com/s2014/epic/TemporalAA.pptx
[Jimenez2016] - https://research.activision.com/t5/Research-Papers/Filmic-SMAA-Sharp-Morphological-and-Temporal-Antialiasing/ba-p/10012720


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