[Bf-viewport] OpenGL refactor status

Dalai Felinto dfelinto at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 12:36:33 CET 2017

Hi there,

As a good way to start the year it would be interesting to know where
we stand, what are the current hiccups, and what lies ahead.

1) OpenGL Task Force

Where is the work happening? I would expect the progress to be
communicated in the wiki:

But the page hasn’t had a lot of updates based on its history (last
one was Dec 13, and before that Dec 4, and Dec 1st).

Is everyone remembering to update it while the work progress? I don't
even know if the T49043 task is fully up to date.

2) OpenGL 3.3

Do you still have (have we ever had?) an option to compile Blender so
that only the OpenGL3.3 drawing code runs? Could we make this the
default option?

3) Status

What is the current status of the overall work? Given the original
planning (apart from the immediate mode refactor), how far we got,
what is missing?

It would be nice to have this communicated in the OpenGL page:

4) UI Drawing

I was running some performance tests (Clt+Alt+T) and the UI draw is
still considerably slow compared to master (5x sometimes). The "User
Preferences" window being the most emblematic case.

That is it. All the best for everyone, and may 2017 be a great year
for the Viewport!

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