[Bf-vfx] on bundle and other outdated wiki docs

Dalai Felinto dfelinto at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 02:25:29 CEST 2013


Making long short:
It seems that '3D Markers' were called bundles at some point. But although
the name under Display changed, the python property, some error messages
and the wiki still refer to them as bundles.

Making long long:
As user I was really confuse about error messages referring to "bundles"
such as "No bundle for track #2 'Track.002'".

Wondering about what bundles were, google led me to the wiki manual:
http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Motion_Tracking (find
'bundle' under display)

It seems that "bundles" is what the UI (now?) shows as 3D Markers. [update,
the "Display > 3D Markers" python property is indeed called "show_bundles"
which corroborates that].

Can someone (doesn't need to be a coder) go over the error messages and
wiki and make it consistent? Also there are other items on the wiki that
also seems deprecated (pattern, pyramid, ...).


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