[Bf-vfx] IBL Toolkit - looking for feedback, and sharing blender+photo workflow ideas/needs

Brecht Van Lommel brechtvanlommel at pandora.be
Mon Apr 23 11:54:02 CEST 2012

Hi Dalai,

This is very cool :)

One small note, with Cycles each Texture node has also mapping
settings built in (in the Texture Properties), so you can use only 1
node instead of 3 if you wanted to. It may also be a good idea to
enable "Sample as Lamp" in the World Settings.

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 5:36 AM, Dalai Felinto <dfelinto at gmail.com> wrote:
> Problem with the current workflow:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> - cycles shaders do not work while in edit mode. Although I don't care about
> the object materials, it would be really nice to have the background shaders
> working. I'm trying to build an alternative with bgl and glsl shaders on top
> of the 3dview, but it's too tacky. I need the background
> (the other alternative is to do partial renders of the HDRI to use as
> 'Background Image'. Not as elegant as having the actual panorama showed in
> edit mode).

I'm not sure what you mean here? The edit mode limitation I can think
of, is that editing a mesh does not update in Rendered draw mode until
you go back to object mode, but that seems unrelated to this.

> Things I can do with ARLuxrender that I would like to do with cycles:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is something that I have been looking into for mango (Ton calls
it the "happy shader"), but I haven't found the right implementation
yet. I'll definitely have a close look at the paper/code here.


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