[Bf-vfx] Color spaces

Xavier Thomas xavier.thomas.1980 at gmail.com
Wed May 25 23:59:38 CEST 2011

This is fantastic.

I don't think it need any more work in the compositor, where
everything is supposed to be linear (except a conversion node for the
rare case when it is not linear).

What would be needed is an option for all image/movie/sequence input
to select the colorspace (one of those option shoud be "automatic"
other enforcing a certain colorspace).

Then the same for saving image/movie sequence.

Then add user preferences to edit/add colorspaces, or pack them into
the blend file.

Last but not least: Have user preferences that tells wich colorspace
to use for each screen/display and use it to display images/compositor
result, color pickers...

I hope that make sense,

Thanks to get thinks started, amazing work.


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