[Bf-vfx] Color spaces

Jeroen Bakker j.bakker at atmind.nl
Wed May 25 22:34:01 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I managed to make a color space conversion node. This is still WIP, I 
want to see your reactions on it as Color spaces are quite a though 
topic to get correct.


I use the OpenColorIO for the conversion. the conversion-node was 
integrated in my branch in just a couple of hours.
My question is what will be the next step. I can think of some.
1. automatically determine the input colorspace. (make the color space 
part of the color-data inside the compositor)
2. use OCIO for color management in the compositor (to display, but also 
when writing to files)

Btw. CDL 1.1 is also working as it is implemented according to the spec.
In the movie you will see that the external LUT's are read and used by 
the node.

Still work has to be done to get it correct 'code-wise'


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