[Bf-translations-dev] Translation Issues Report s4

- LEON - leon4you at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 09:04:31 CET 2013

Hi Bastien,


FYI. Thanks. :)

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Gabriel Gazzán <gabcorreo at gmail.com> wrote:

> great!
> I´ll certainly do it. :)
> thanks!
> g
> 2013/3/25 Bastien Montagne <montagne29 at wanadoo.fr>
>>  Most "new data" cases should be handled now, please notify me if I
>> missed some (as I probably did! :P ).
>> On 20/03/2013 21:17, Gabriel Gazzán wrote:
>> Great! :)
>> I think people rename (or should rename) their objects (and other scene
>> elements such as materials, nodes, etc.) to something more understandable
>> anyway. So the problem of less understandability of international Blender
>> scenes will remain in either case.
>> cheers,
>> g
>> 2013/3/20 Bastien Montagne <montagne29 at wanadoo.fr>
>>>  Hi Leon (and Gabriel),
>>> #1: It is not recommended, in that it makes your blend less shareable
>>> ;). In addition to the comprehension problem (english being the most
>>> universal language), you may also encounter display issues if you try to
>>> open your file with a basic Blender build (i.e. one without i18n support),
>>> because of missing fonts. So all in one, it depends on the use off your
>>> blend. But technically there should be no problem.
>>> #2: Makes me feel like I kinda misunderstood #1 in Gabriel's mail… :/ I
>>> have to check a bit more, but I *think* this should be possible. Will give
>>> it a try. :)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bastien
>>> On 20/03/2013 06:48, - LEON - wrote:
>>> Well, Some of my fellows have also been raising their hands for the same
>>> feature as Gabriel suggested. Anyhow, I can see your point, there, Bastien.
>>>  I was just planning to suggest this in my coming "Issue Report S5".
>>>  Now already raised by Gabriel.  LOL
>>>  I wonder if I may ask two questions:
>>>  1. According to your explanation, Bastien, do you mean it's also NOT
>>> recommended to manually rename things such as default names for Scene,
>>> Layout, Material, Texture, etc, with customized characters of certain
>>> languages. In other words, does it matter much if they do so?
>>>  2. If not matters so much, then how about just make it possible for
>>> all NEWLY ADDED geometries? I mean, I've heard so many guys from local
>>> community who are expecting this to come true. Since they are kind of users
>>> how heavily rely on the home language for the UI, and got heavily used to
>>> see all newly added objects can be "auto-named" with what's familiar to
>>> them, instead of having to rename them manually. For example, when you
>>> adding a cube to the scene, you can see it's default name is Cube, and when
>>> you adding two or more cubes, they are auto-named like this: Cube.001,
>>> Cube,002, Cube.003... Well, you know they are such users who heavily rely
>>> on localized UI, and who much prefer blender  to auto-name objects
>>> (datablocks) with Chinese, especially when being added initially. In this
>>> case, when adding Cube to the scene, its datalock will show 立方体 (Chinese
>>> translation for "Cube"), and when adding or duplicating more cubes to the
>>> scene, they are auto-named as 立方体.001, 立方体.002,, 立方体.003... which is really
>>> saving a huge amount of renaming work for them.
>>>  Just thought whether it could be coded as optional feature, and leave
>>> options for users to toggle it ON / OFF, which is used "at their own
>>> risks". :P
>>>  However, I can see your point. Anyhow, we are just raising up the
>>> ideal result that's preferable for local guys.  :)
>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Gabriel Gazzán <gabcorreo at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> well, ok. At least I asked. :P
>>>> thanks for the response.
>>>> g
>>>> 2013/3/19 Bastien Montagne <montagne29 at wanadoo.fr>
>>>>>  Hi Gabriel,
>>>>> Answer is: no, and no! :P
>>>>> Both cases are data names, we *never* translate those in Blender (I
>>>>> know there are a few cases where it could turn useful, but most of the time
>>>>> it's rather annoying, in in some situations it can become a nightmare,
>>>>> because these names are used too as id for the relevant data). So all in
>>>>> one, making this work as needed/expected would be higly time-consuming and
>>>>> bug-prone, for (imho) few benefits… Thus we (I :P) decided to just never
>>>>> try to translate them names.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Bastien
>>>>> On 19/03/2013 16:23, Gabriel Gazzán wrote:
>>>>>  Hi Bastien,
>>>>> Regarding this...
>>>>> a) Could newly created scene items' names reflect the translated
>>>>> names? also the same for new modifiers/constraints?
>>>>> b) Could Preset/Screen Layouts names be translatable?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> g
>>>>> 2013/3/18 Bastien Montagne <montagne29 at wanadoo.fr>
>>>>>>  Hi Leon,
>>>>>> #2 Done (for DopeSheet Summary, please note that CubeAction is the
>>>>>> name of the Action datablock, and LocRotScale, the name of the channels'
>>>>>> group, both should never be translated (these are data, editable by the
>>>>>> user, not UI strings).
>>>>>   _______________________________________________
>>>>> Remember to *NEVER* commit to our svn's /trunk, but *ALWAYS* to relevant language po file under /branches!
>>>>> Found a missing msgid? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/XcWcr
>>>>> Have some disambiguation issue (i.e. same english word that should be translated in more than one way, depending on the context)? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/VzppJ
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Bf-translations-dev mailing listBf-translations-dev at blender.orghttp://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-translations-dev
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Remember to *NEVER* commit to our svn's /trunk, but *ALWAYS* to
>>>>> relevant language po file under /branches!
>>>>> Found a missing msgid? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/XcWcr
>>>>> Have some disambiguation issue (i.e. same english word that should be
>>>>> translated in more than one way, depending on the context)? Edit this doc:
>>>>> http://goo.gl/VzppJ
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Bf-translations-dev mailing list
>>>>> Bf-translations-dev at blender.org
>>>>> http://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-translations-dev
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Remember to *NEVER* commit to our svn's /trunk, but *ALWAYS* to
>>>> relevant language po file under /branches!
>>>> Found a missing msgid? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/XcWcr
>>>> Have some disambiguation issue (i.e. same english word that should be
>>>> translated in more than one way, depending on the context)? Edit this doc:
>>>> http://goo.gl/VzppJ
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Bf-translations-dev mailing list
>>>> Bf-translations-dev at blender.org
>>>> http://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-translations-dev
>>>  --
>>> Leon Cheung
>>> a.k.a. 老猫
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Remember to *NEVER* commit to our svn's /trunk, but *ALWAYS* to relevant language po file under /branches!
>>> Found a missing msgid? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/XcWcr
>>> Have some disambiguation issue (i.e. same english word that should be translated in more than one way, depending on the context)? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/VzppJ
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Bf-translations-dev mailing listBf-translations-dev at blender.orghttp://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-translations-dev
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Remember to *NEVER* commit to our svn's /trunk, but *ALWAYS* to relevant
>>> language po file under /branches!
>>> Found a missing msgid? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/XcWcr
>>> Have some disambiguation issue (i.e. same english word that should be
>>> translated in more than one way, depending on the context)? Edit this doc:
>>> http://goo.gl/VzppJ
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Bf-translations-dev mailing list
>>> Bf-translations-dev at blender.org
>>> http://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-translations-dev
>> _______________________________________________
>> Remember to *NEVER* commit to our svn's /trunk, but *ALWAYS* to relevant language po file under /branches!
>> Found a missing msgid? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/XcWcr
>> Have some disambiguation issue (i.e. same english word that should be translated in more than one way, depending on the context)? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/VzppJ
>> _______________________________________________
>> Bf-translations-dev mailing listBf-translations-dev at blender.orghttp://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-translations-dev
>> _______________________________________________
>> Remember to *NEVER* commit to our svn's /trunk, but *ALWAYS* to relevant
>> language po file under /branches!
>> Found a missing msgid? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/XcWcr
>> Have some disambiguation issue (i.e. same english word that should be
>> translated in more than one way, depending on the context)? Edit this doc:
>> http://goo.gl/VzppJ
>> _______________________________________________
>> Bf-translations-dev mailing list
>> Bf-translations-dev at blender.org
>> http://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-translations-dev
> _______________________________________________
> Remember to *NEVER* commit to our svn's /trunk, but *ALWAYS* to relevant
> language po file under /branches!
> Found a missing msgid? Edit this doc: http://goo.gl/XcWcr
> Have some disambiguation issue (i.e. same english word that should be
> translated in more than one way, depending on the context)? Edit this doc:
> http://goo.gl/VzppJ
> _______________________________________________
> Bf-translations-dev mailing list
> Bf-translations-dev at blender.org
> http://lists.blender.org/mailman/listinfo/bf-translations-dev

Leon Cheung
a.k.a. 老猫
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