[Bf-translations-dev] About RTL languages

Bastien Montagne montagne29 at wanadoo.fr
Tue Feb 14 12:13:43 CET 2012

Hi folks!

As Blender 2.62 is about to be released, I’d like it very much to be the 
last “fuzzy-RTL-process” release… Currently, we have in svn scripts that 
pre-process arabic and farsi po’s, before compiling them into mo’s. 
However, it seems farsi team prefers another, currently external 
solution, which leads to an ugly update process where I have to manually 
copy over farsi mo’s, using a not exactly up-to-date version… :/

So I’d like to first have answers to those questions:
* Why aren’t arabic and farsi using the same solution? Afaik, the later 
uses fribidi, which seems to gives better results.
* If we agree to use this new fribidi process for both languages, could 
I have the code used by farsi team, to integrate it in the i18n tool 
chain (the one under /trunk/po/tools)?

Anyway, let’s try to fix this once and for all!

Best regards,

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