[Bf-translations-dev] Context Ambiguity List & Discussion (update)

- LEON - leon4you at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 14:38:40 CEST 2012

I'm trying to collect contexts that should be treated separately with each
other among UI, respect to individual features.

*Context_Ambiguity_List_&_Discussion (keep updating)*

(NOTE: Currently, there are two sub-sheets, "Ambiguity_List" is a view-only
sheet, but leave the edit rights to current collabrators: Bastien Montagne,
Ethan Luo, Kidux, Leon Cheung; Another Sheet named "Discussion Sheet",
which can be edited and contributed by ANYONE who wanna leave ideas or
messages for the administrator.)

Anyone is welcome to leave ideas there (on the 2nd sheet). Let's help the
developers together, to improve i18n project better and better.  :)

Leon Cheung
a.k.a. 老猫
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