[Bf-translations-dev] i18n processes and release cycle

ValterVB valtervb at live.com
Thu Oct 20 00:15:16 CEST 2011

I have a little problem: I have split the po file and sent this parts to the 
To merge the parts I must use merge_po.py but the problem is that the fuzzy 
string remain fuzzy . So we need a script that update the string and change 
from fuzzy to not fuzzy.

Or maybe there is another work flow to split the translate work on more 


-----Messaggio originale----- 
From: Bastien Montagne
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 11:00 PM
To: bf-translations-dev at blender.org
Subject: [Bf-translations-dev] i18n processes and release cycle


Here is a proposition about managing bf-translations repo, and how to
synchronize with Blender release cycles.

* Translators should never modify themselves /trunk. They should only
edit /branches.
* Translators should ask an admin to add a new language (as this also
implies, currently, some code in Blender).

BCon1 and BCon2:
     New languages can be added.
     An update of all po's under /branches is made at least once a week
         (friday morning seems a good option, imho), and possibly more often
         in case of big changes in sources (like a branch merged). I can
handle this.
     The /trunk is also updated once a week (monday evening, imho). The
         is set to 0% (i.e. all existing languages are in trunk). I can
also handle this.
     Like BCon1 and 2, but adding new languages is no more allowed.
BCon4 (i.e. RC):
     A last update of /trunk is done just before first RC, using a
threshold of 80% (i.e. only
         nearly finished translations are in /trunk). Then, /trunk is no
more changed,
         unless a serious issue arises (can’t imagine what, but you
never know…).
     /branches remains open and updated once a week.
BCon5 (i.e. freeze and release):
     /trunk is also freezed (only critical bugs are fixed! :P ).
     /branches remains open and updated once a week.

Now, fire your comments and suggestions! When we get a consensus, I’ll
write a wiki page about it (anyway, we lack some doc about all this!).

Best regards,
Bf-translations-dev mailing list
Bf-translations-dev at blender.org

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