[Bf-taskforce25] Mockup note

Kent Mein mein at cs.umn.edu
Wed Mar 18 15:56:16 CET 2009

In reply to Samuel Nicholas (nicholas.samuel at gmail.com):

> http://enetheru.aglargelair.net/files/b_interface_mock00.png
> http://enetheru.aglargelair.net/files/b_interface_mock00.xcf

I know this is minor, and was in the original's too...
It would be really nice to fix the "on" "off" buttons in Duplication.
Every time I look at these images I just keep focusing on those two
buttons.  What are they? Are they linked, why are they that type of
button if they are just on and off, it should be one button...
Makes it hard to really evaluate things. ;)

I think things are looking very clean.  In the Tracking
I'd change things so its just Track (X|Y|Z) and put it in the button.
vs Track Axis (button)   same with up.  Make it (X|Y|Z) up. inside
the button instead of having the nested bubbles.  Seems cleaner and
still gets the point across.

Also, I can see putting Location/Rotation/Scale side by side.

I don't think putting shading and bounds side by side makes sense.
Probably the same amount of room to put the label and button all on
one line for both of them no?  Looks a little cleaner too.
If a label is next to a button I don't think we need a box around it.
(Again I just think were going a little overboard with the lets draw a
circle around it, I think it makes sense in this case without one and
takes up less space while still being clean.)

maybe also make Tracking and Time offset. their own expandable
collapsible menu's and do not put them side by side.


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