[Bf-taskforce25] Texture workflow update

David Silverman silvermindyarr at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 00:37:55 CEST 2009

I still wish the interface would be more clear that textures are
objects with properties, rather than properties of other things
materials and things.

I think it would make it more clear that textures can act as drivers
for other properties if they were edited in a different way. I
understand that a change like that would be to big for now, but it'd
be good to keep in mind. Especially that everything is supposed to be
animated/driven capable.

! Warning - Refferance to Maya !
Maya's hypergraph, although complicated to the new user, made very
clear exactly the relationships between objects, and allowed elegant,
sophisticated, and even stupid ways to do things. With a long term
goal of making blender a tool for making tools, it is important to
make clear relationships. Nodes is moving that way, but my
understanding is that is a hackish system. I also heard somewhere that
the [?scengraph view?] is being removed because it isnt very clear and
isnt used to actually connect inputs and outputs. Eventually we
probably want to enable that type of workflow. Even package a group of
objects, scripts, texture filters, whatever to export as reuseable

So.. I think the only suggestion to really take to heart is that
perhaps the texture objects should be editable in the RNA viewer
(sounds like this is automatic) and try to convey textures as
individual elements rather than properties.

thats my rambling.

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