[Bf-taskforce25] Animato - Current Status as of end of February

Joshua Leung aligorith at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 11:32:24 CET 2009

Ok, I've annotated the todo items as appropriate inline...

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:26 AM, Joshua Leung <aligorith at gmail.com> wrote:

> * Conversions for old files mostly works
> --> lib-linking doesn't always work OK yet (TODO - help welcome)
> --> some drivers don't get loaded yet (TODO - help welcome)
> --> some drivers don't function properly yet (TODO - help welcome)
> --> some IPO datablocks don't get converted yet as there doesn't appear to
> be any corresponding entries in RNA (TODO - help welcome)
> Work still to be done:
> * Markers API + Operators - there are still a few missing operators. More
> importantly though, there is no nice usable API for markers which can be
> utilised by various keyframe editing tools in DopeSheet/Action and Graph
> Editors. (TODO - help welcome)
> * NLA System (evaluation + conversions + editor) is largely unported yet.
> It is risky to leave the conversions until after 2.5 is eventually released
> since patching the old files becomes an order of magnitude more difficult.
> (TODO - I'd prefer to do this myself)
> * F-Curve Modifiers have not be thoroughly tested yet. Although a few have
> been implemented as examples, there are a few that have yet to be done.
> Also, there is no UI access to them yet. Probably we need a temp nkey panel
> in Graph Editor to show this, until decisions are made on this... (TODO -
> help welcome - I'd like to keep an eye on this still)
> * Related to the UI for F-Curve Modifiers is the UI for drivers. This
> should show in a similar way, though restricted to 'Drivers' mode only. No
> editing of drivers is permitted elsewhere, as nowhere else are drivers
> visible.
> * Refined filtering tools for Anim editors - i.e. options to filter by
> F-Curve property names (i.e. "rotation" or "color"). Also, pinning option
> (useful when dealing with animated visibility) (TODO - I'll do this whenever
> I get some time)
> * Object layer changing doesn't get synced yet (TODO - help welcome)
> Unrelated issues:
> * Some rigs may still be broken (BBB ones in particular, though Mancandy
> works nearly perfect) due to PyConstraints and PyDrivers not working yet
> (Python API having been removed)      (TODO - help welcome)
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