[Bf-scripts-dev] new version of sculpt mesh fully documented and API compliant

Tom Musgrove tommusgrove__ at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 9 03:41:04 CET 2004

Okay here is the latest version of sculpt mesh,

it is documented following the examples in CVS

the render related bug is fixed (earlier version caused rendering to crash).

It is really fast now (I can use meshes of 30-60,ooo faces on my laptop....)

Here are directions for use,

Here are the usage direction

1) Get a testing build of blender, one for windows can be downloaded from 

and this one is recent enough on Linux
(sorry no recent build has been put up for os x yet...)

2) Download the script and place it in your scripts folder the script can be 
downloaded from here


Be sure to change the extension to .py (the wiki changes it to .txt)

3) start up blender (remember it must be testing build not the regular 2.34 

4) select a mesh object and and make sure you are in object mode, also make
sure you only have ONE view3d window open

5) goto a scripts window (changing the buttons window would be a good
choice) and then goto Scripts > Mesh > sculpt_mesh_local_faster8b...

6) RMB on the object and start sculpting 7) Use RMB + ALTKEY to change the 
properties (selection radius, and displacement height)

8) ESCKEY to exit

Some notes - if you zoom in our out, you'll need to rotate the object a
little bit before you can sculpt again (otherwise it will look like part of
your mesh disappears). Also the material will change to the default while
you are sculpting. Also 'big' meshes can go really slow.

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