[Bf-python] Suppot for bgl vertex arrays / VBOs ?

Dalai Felinto dfelinto at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 17:00:46 CEST 2013

HI Gert,

You can find a related topic here:

It's not hard to expand the available (basic *) opengl functions, it's more
a matter of defining where to draw the line of when to drop bgl and use a
pyGL like library.

Do you have a list of all the opengl calls you would like to see supported?
That can help understand the scope of what you are asking.

* non-basic opengl calls are the ones that need to be bind per vertex, such
as vertex attributes. If I remember correctly those are a bit more
complicated to be incorporated in the code. Though for your need/vbo it may
be simple.



2013/8/19 Gert De Roost <paleajed at gmail.com>

> Is there going to be a time for OpenGL vertex arrays and vertex buffer
> objects (VBOs) to be supported by Python bgl ?
> I could really use the speedup for my preselection highlighting addon,
> immediate mode is deprecated and slow...
> Gert De Roost
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