[Bf-python] Supporting large addon recursive-reload

Doug Hammond doughammond at hamsterfight.co.uk
Fri Feb 11 18:10:21 CET 2011


A fair few addons are multi-part packages, and while the widely used
imp.reload(mod) is useful for smaller addons, it quickly becomes impossible
as the addon grows in size.
(eg. the LuxRender addon would require re-loading 63 sub-modules, and most
of those would require reloading at least one other library module).

I would like to use some kind of recursive-reloading mechanism, but this
requires that blender changes the way it imports the addon modules in the
first place.

A good article on how to track module importing and allow reloading
recursively is here: http://www.indelible.org/ink/python-reloading/

Does anyone else care about this? I think it would be very useful if the F8
key would actually reload complex addons completely.

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