[Bf-python] svg2obj script.

jean-michel soler jmsoler at free.fr
Wed Mar 28 14:23:05 CEST 2007

0.5.7 : - Wash down of some handle problems.

0.5.8 : - 2007/3/9
             Wash down of the last exec and correction of a
             problem with the curve's first beztriple handle
             which was not recorded at first time .
            - Added some units managements
            - Correction of the  rotate matrix
            - Correction of the  skew  matrix
            - change in the wash_DATA function suggested by cambo
            - added __slot__ in class Bez, ITEM and CURVE suggested by cambo
            - remove unused properties in class ITEM and CURVE

It is waiting to be commited.


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