[Bf-python] removing python based image baking scripts

PERIN Jean-Baptiste jb_perin at yahoo.fr
Mon Nov 20 21:20:54 CET 2006

> Is this the French idea of diplomacy, to deliver an insult and
> then say "ha ha, just kidding"?

Two things:
- considering kleptomaniac is an insult is insulting people suffering of it ..
- considering my words were not only a stupid pun ..that's what's more insulting to Ideasman and I.
(perhaps you consider there's a part of truth in what I said .. it is not my case)

> A hint, my friend - it is not working.

Undoubtedly it doesn't work with people like you..

For people not understanding third degree humour :
I apology for what I said .. and reaffirm my complete admiration and my deep respect for Ideasman's works ..


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