[Bf-python] Request for Plumiferos

malefico andauer the3d_hut at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Nov 2 02:12:28 CET 2006

Hi there,

My python guru at the studio prompted me with the
following problem, which I'll try to explain:

He is coding a script to link materials and UV maps
from library objects to same objects that have been
imported and animated in different scenes, so we can 
change textures or UV map info in lib file, and then
update all data in animated scenes by running this

Problem is if datablocks in lib file and anim file
have exactly the same name (as in this case) we can
only read data from local (animated) file.

For instance:

Blender.Mesh.Get("character_X") returns local
Character X only. The one that was linked and had
exact same name is never returned.

Blender.Mesh.Get() returns a list of all meshes
(included the ones linked from lib) so after this
calling we have duplicated names (the one in lib and
the one in anim file) and thus we cannot tell which is
which. He tried using index of this list to identify
them, but this is random so we can't be sure.

So what he suggests is: a new method that return all
datablocks that are already linked from external
sources so we can tell which are local and which are
external and also that Blender.Mesh.Get() returns only
local datablocks, not external.

Other way around could be that MeshObject.Library()
returns path of library or "none" besides current
information, so source could be identified positively.

I hope this is clear enough (I bet it isn't), any help
either code or hints will be highly appreciated

Regards and thanks in advance


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