[Bf-python] managing scripts

Campbell Barton cbarton at metavr.com
Sat Jul 29 12:39:27 CEST 2006

jean-michel soler wrote:
> Willian Padovani Germano a écrit :
>> We still didn't implement a proper way to handle scripts. There are 3 
>> developers managing the bundled scripts module in Blender, LetterRip, 
>> Campbell and me, but we need more people participating to make things 
>> fair and more robust.
> As I see that you are trying to get rid of all my scripts  one after 
> the other :
>   Fix From Armature (already replaced by a script which even doesn't 
> work, i
>    pointed the case and, i can believe this,  a function was simply 
> stolen from
>    my working script  to correct the other !!! ),      Data Copier  
> (suspended sentence for this one but ...),
>   and now there is also a useless and heavy ressource consumer copy of 
>    Texture Baker and UVpainter, added a week ago  in the CVS,
> or script I corrected :
>    Knife, or script I have suggested :    bvh2arm, do  you  really 
> think that you need of my opinion  ?

"replaced by a script which even doesn't work" ?
What dosent work?

GPL dude, its called sharing, Both scripts sucked in different wasy so I 
merged them. - If I made some mistake can you stop hinting and let be 
know whats broken?

Data Copier - was buggy and I had to fix parts before release,
my opinion is that the functionality it provedes is obscure, - or, if 
its useful in some way, we should try add it to Blender in C.
but were going to do this right, so my opion is only a vote....

As for the baker, bleed is recource heavy, if a better way exists Id 
liketo use it. but per pixel operations in python are a bit scary
Maybe Ill turn oversampling to 5 not 16 and have bleed set to 0 by default.

As for replacing your scripts, its the CVS and can be changed etc... I 
havnt removed your scripts and wont remove any scripts without group 
if At the end of the day my work is no good- (again - group decision) we 
can pull it out - I'm not emotionally attached to my python scripts.

- Cam

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