[Bf-python] apply_def update

jmsoler at free.fr jmsoler at free.fr
Wed Jul 5 09:29:59 CEST 2006

Selon Campbell Barton <cbarton at metavr.com>:

> Hey, this script replaces apply_deform and fix from armature, does the
> softbody fix automaticly.
( copy to Blender Foundation Python list)

This script was not tested and it does not the softbodies fix at all .

I repeat my question : why do you want to replace a script that works  correctly
(except your fancy bugs) and is maintained by its author,   I mean respectively
'fix from armature' and myself, by a script which does  not do what it should
do (mean with inner <<true>> bugs !)  ? This does not seem reasonable .

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