Constraints module (was: [Bf-python] Looking for a project)

Gilbert, Joseph T. jgilbert at tigr.ORG
Wed Apr 26 13:49:39 CEST 2006

Remember a pose is the *result* of some deformation at time=t. The deformation (Action etc) is not object specfic.  

There are constraints that modify the object and those that modify the pose. Remember that the pose modifying constraints should be accessable through the Pose module, not the Armature module. Bones are not bound to constraints, bPoseChannels are. A bPoseChannel is the deformation of a bone from rest at time=t.
bPoseChannels link to a bone through pchan->name matching a bone name.

Hope that clears it all up :0
good luck working with armature/poses hahaha

-----Original Message-----
From: bf-python-bounces at on behalf of Ken Hughes
Sent: Wed 4/26/2006 12:09 AM
To: Blender Foundation Python list
Subject: Re: Constraints module (was: [Bf-python] Looking for a project)
Martin Poirier wrote:
> Yes, to reflect reality, they should be on the object
> (even though that makes them inconvenient to access).
> The fact is, you can have two objects sharing armature
> data using separate constraints, so this is how the
> API should work too.

But one object can have two or more bones which each have constraints; 
how do you get from the object to the constraint(s) without going 
through the pose?  Beside, the constraints are attached to the bones; 
there still has to be a method to identify which bone.

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