[Bf-python] scripts as 'core tools'

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at superig.com.br
Sun Sep 25 23:29:20 CEST 2005

Tom M wrote:
> How feasible would it be to add blender scripts as hardcoded
> shortcuts/menu items as if they were a core tool?

Hi Tom,

There's a simple way we might use, before an events redesign / recoding. 
We can choose a key and let users put favorite scripts in a menu there, 
for faster access. It's trivial to write a script to let users pick 
their favorite registered scripts and define the order they should 
appear in the menu. Once there, two key presses would be enough to call 
the script -- the hotkey and the number of the entry. And the info for 
this menu would be saved along with other registered scripts, no problem.

Only issue is finding an available and good (well placed) hotkey. For 
that we can even use an existing one, "p", for example. If user chose to 
put scripts there, a menu appears with the default option ("run game" in 
this case, if I'm not crazy) and the scripts. Otherwise the key just 
works as before, directly.


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