[Bf-python] Feature request: bPoseChannel pose_mat read access

Michael Reimpell M.Reimpell at tu-bs.de
Sun Nov 20 18:29:25 CET 2005

One use case of the BPy interface is the export of armature animations. An 
inconvenience with the current BPy interface is, that every time a user 
tweaks his animation, he has to bake it again before he is able to export it.

As this is a repetitive task with no user interaction required, it should be 
done by the export script itself. To do so, the script needs to
access the bPoseChannel's pose_mat (see [1]) for every bone while sampling 
over the keyframe range via Blender.Set('curframe', i).

As far as I know, this is not possible with the current BPy interface. 
Therefore, it would be very nice if someone could add that.


[1] http://www.blender3d.org/cms/How_Armatures_work.634.0.html

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