[Bf-python] Text buffers updating

Carlos López klopes at unizar.es
Tue May 3 12:34:29 CEST 2005

joeedh wrote:

> Carlos López wrote:
>> I'm writing a script which uses a text buffer as 'config file', by 
>> way of it stores a list of variables, which are then imported from 
>> the script. But once the buffer is created, It can't be updated: even 
>> unliking it (deleting) and creating it again, the old buffer is 
>> imported. Is there a problem whit this?
> text.clear() clears (but doesn't unlink) the buffer.
> so, you load the buffer with text.asLines() or whatever into 
> something, update it, then clear it.  then just write it back with 
> text.write().

Mmm... Good idea, but it doesn´t work. I'm using 2 scripts: one is a 
GUI, which makes the configuration buffer: a list of variables. The 
other is a change-frame linked ("main") to a scene. The config buffer 
automatic edition works well, but the the main loads always the first 
buffer loaded (via "import buffer", then using "buffer.variable"), any 
posterior edition works.

Getting the point:
Write a buffer assigning variables, and name it "config.py", p.e:
    a = [1,3]
    x = 4
Write another buffer:
    import config
    print dir(config)
Execute it, the you get:
    ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'a', 'x']
Now edit config.py adding a new variable:
    a = [1,3]
    x = 4
    t = 0
Run the above script again, the new variable is not imported: the buffer 
isn't anyway updated.
Any idea?


> joeedh
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