[Bf-python] New BPoint type?

Ken Hughes khughes at pacific.edu
Sat Jun 25 04:35:03 CEST 2005

Martin Poirier wrote:
> Nurbs CV have a weight too, but that attribute is not
> shared by Bezier.
> However, what could be done as far as class hierarchy
> goes is this:
> BPoint (for Poly Curve)
>  | |
>  | |
>  | +- BNURBSPoint (for nurbs curve, with weight added)
>  |
>  +- BBezierPoint (for bezier, with handles)
> BPoint would have x,y,z coordinates vector (Z unused
> for IPOs) and tilt (also unused for IPOs).
> BNURBSpoint would inherit that and add weight.
> BBezier would add two handle vectors.

So something like this (classes and attributes):

class BPoint:
     point = (0,1,2)
     tilt = 1.0f
class BNURBPoint(BPoint):
     weight = 1.0f
class BBezier(BPoint):

What about handle types for BBezier (AUTO, VECTOR, etc)?
Anything similar for NURBS?


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