[Bf-python] NMesh.setSubDivLevels and level 0

Stephane SOPPERA stephane.soppera at wanadoo.fr
Sat Jan 1 02:54:53 CET 2005

Stephane SOPPERA wrote:

> Hi,
> While trying to make a script that change the subdivisions values of 
> meshes, I noticed two issues in NMesh.setSubDivLevels function.
> First this function only accept a range of value from 1 to 6 whereas 
> the buttons in the interface enables to go from 0 to 6. 0 is 
> especially usefull to speedup the display of subdivided surfaces that 
> are not edited.
> Second, when subdivision levels are updated through python, the values 
> in the buttons are not updated.
> Could setSubDivLevels function accept 0 level?
> As far as I know, the only modifications needed is to change the line
> #define NMESH_SUBDIV_MIN            1
> in NMesh.c.

By the way I also noticed that the edge informations get lost when using 
NMesh.update member function.
How can I change the subdivision levels without losing the edges 


Stephane SOPPERA

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