[Bf-python] Scripts mailing list

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Wed Feb 9 07:32:03 CET 2005


Slowly the scripts mailing list is getting a little traffic, so I'm 
taking the chance to invite people again to participate there:


This list is more for Blender Python/C API stuff, the other serves for 
discussions related to scripts themselves, adding more to Blender 
bundle, etc.  We can also share info about Python code there for fun, we 
could get enough material for one or two faqs (basic bpython faq and 
optimization faq, for example).

BTW, Jonathan Schroeder suggested adding a search engine to 
Jean-Michel's Hotkeys script:

and Michael Edwards presented his kelvin to rgb script for realistic 


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