[Bf-python] Re: Python 2.4

Jean-Luc Peurière jlp at nerim.net
Sat Aug 13 09:59:24 CEST 2005

Le 13 août 05, à 08:21, Joseph Gilbert a écrit :

>> - Blender on the mac is a no-install app. Adding python will need 
>> installer with root privileges.
>>  that's a serious problem, as it means more complexity for the user.
> User difficulty should not be an impediment to upgrading python. 
> Remember windows comes with no default install.

Hmm. You will have to convince Ton about that. He really consider the 
no-install on the mac as important.

And being user friendly should be our priority

Now a solution can be to put more modules in the embedded interpreter 
and request that scripters use only those if
>> - If apple ships a python 2.4 himself during an update or for the 
>> next version, there will be conflicts
>> - apple python has some differences with python.org one (in installed 
>> modules mostly), this may
>> interfere with use of the previous versions
> This is irrelavent. Blender uses an imbeded interpreter. The only 
> issue is the search path blender python will use to look up the 
> /site-packages directory.
For blender yes. But if you use python for other uses, which is my 
case, and need an apple modified module, you have a problem. no good 

The real question to ask is "Does the benefits of python 2.4 outweight 
the problems ?". I'm not enough a pythoner to state, but from the 
python.org site, it does not seem.

And for linuxers it is not a problem, as they can compile with 2.4 if 
they want

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