Python 2.4 was Re: [Bf-python] Attribute casing

Toni Alatalo antont at
Wed Aug 3 11:17:31 CEST 2005

Stephen Swaney wrote:

>I hereby declare Python 2.4 to be the Official BPy version.
>Let the complaining begin!
i'm currently in transition to 2.4 on Debian myself, and things seem to 
be going smooth, so perfect timing for me..

but what will happen on Macs? even 10.4 ships with 2.3.5.. and there are 
no facilities to deal with multiple versions of Python, really - i'm 
afraid it will be unfortunately cumbersome for users to install packages 
for both 2.3 to have them in the normal macosx and then for 2.4 to have 
them in Blender.. in the cases where there are dependencies that both 
normal python apps and Blender uses. but perhaps that is not too common 
for Mac Blender users (yet)? and for such 'power users' perhaps keeping 
up with two versions is not too bad (distutils does handle it nicely).

too bad 10.4 didn't ship with 2.4 - it would also be in sync nicely with 
the .4 :/


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