[Bf-python] New scripts- cvs please?

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Thu Nov 25 04:45:17 CET 2004

Hi Campbell,

We should create a folder for new scripts in the cvs, so people can test 
and discuss their inclusion.  The plan is to make sure scripts work at 
least for linux, win and osx, discuss interface and features, etc.  I'll 
see if we can get the new folder this weekend, that's when I'll update 
scripts, try to fix some bugs in bpython, etc.

About adding new files to cvs, it's not hard at all, either a basic "cvs 
add" followed by "cvs commit" (of course with password, etc) or, if 
you're using Tortoise CVS on win, for example, right-click, "CVS Add 
Contents..." then commit.


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