[Bf-python] bone.setParent() question

Bob Holcomb bob_holcomb at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 23 00:19:16 CET 2004

I'm having a little problem with the setParent() function of bones.  I create 
a bone (actually alot of them), then add them to the armature.  I then link 
the armature data to the armature object, then link that with the scene and 
create the display lists.  Everything works just fine, however, if I try to 
pull the bones from the armature using getBones() and set the parents of each 
bone I get wierd results.  The bones dissappear from the armatuare all 
together.  I checked the set parent code and didn't see anything that looked 
like it was wrong.  Could I be getting copies of the data from getBones()?  
If i try to re-add the bones, I get an error saying the bone is already in 
the armature.  Has anbody else had similar experiences with these functions?



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