[Bf-python] NMesh.Get() Missing?

jms jmsoler at free.fr
Sat Nov 13 13:17:45 CET 2004

Yann Vernier a écrit :

>On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 08:01:35PM -0500, Campbell J Barton wrote:
>>All I want to do is get a list of meshs,
>>Now there is no NMesh.Get()  function like there is with Object, Image
>>and Material (I think there should be)...
>For historical reasons (NMesh was supposed to be wrapped in a Python
>module called Mesh) the NMesh getter function is called GetRaw.
For the moment the empty GetRaw() returns a "new"  Mesh not the list of 
the meshes.
It works like the NMesh.New() function.

A function to get mesh data names is a real  good idea but do not call 
it "Get()" but rather
 "NMesh.GetAllMeshNames()", for instance.

Remarks for floating data (or faked data) : there is yet a GetChildre() 
function in the Scene
 module. It seems more appropriate  to develop this function. Why 
wouldn't we go to a  
"GetChildren('Name')"  ?

With regards

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