[Bf-python] Blender, Python, and Irix

www.stani.be s_t_a_n_i at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 11 23:09:07 CET 2004

> Python itself has trouble (there are compile
> warnings) related to 
> Py_True and Py_False, that are also used with
> scriptlinks.  We'd better 
> discuss if we shouldn't finish (Michel took some
> away) removing them 
> from bpython in favor of 1 for true and 0 for false.

Please no, because that would make Blender
incompatible with standard python programs, which can
only confuse the scripters and cut off some usefull
code. A program like SPE would than not work anymore
as well. If it are just warnings, can they be ignored
or can you fake True and False by defining them
somehow as constants True=1 and False=0, so that maybe
they are not booleans but at least they work.

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