[Bf-python] Patch: Draw.Image() -- new method.

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Thu Nov 11 13:21:45 CET 2004


joeedh wrote:

> By the way, Willian, did you ever fix the Window.QAdd bug where events 
> weren't sent to GUI elements?

Not a bug if I understand what you mean.  GUI button events simply are 
not available in Draw, only the key, mouse and Redraw events, for 
example, are.  QAdd and related functions are not "safe ground", when a 
new event system slips in they can all go away.  We know they are 
useful, even if they don't stay for thaat long (something better would 
be available then), but bpython controlling Blender like these functions 
make possible is not considered proper behavior.

GUI button events, as already mentioned in an old email, can be useful 
for interface testing, for example.  So there's a chance they get 
approved if one makes a test and explains the proposal well in an email 
to bf-committers and during a future meeting.  Anyway, hopefully a new 
event system is the next big step to be redone in Blender (though it 
might be animation...).


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