[Bf-python] documentation markup proposal

Stephen Swaney sswaney at swbell.net
Thu Nov 4 22:47:43 CET 2004

Michael Reimpell wrote:
>  In my opinion, javadoc is the natural choise for the markup
> language, since it is already used in BPy's .py files and can be processed
> with GPL tools like doxygen.

Javadoc would be a natural choice if the source was java code
and we had the java sdk installed.

The .py files are currently documented using epydoc which is 
python specific.

The current plan for the C/C++ source is to use doxygen friendly markup,
as mentioned in the 0-todo.txt file.

I realise javadoc, epydoc and doxygen all share some common 
characteristics and can even interoperate to some degree.
Stephen Swaney			
sswaney at swbell.net

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