[Bf-python] Adding help info to scripts

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Wed Nov 3 21:31:36 CET 2004


New version of the script.  I'm posting it because if anyone is already 
updating scripts to support the help format, these changes can help:

- first of all you don't need anymore to skip two lines to separate 
paragraphs (duh!), one is enough.
- Adding <br> anywhere in the help paragraphs inserts line-breaks.

- link / email helpers: you can use a few default words like "blender", 
"elysiun" and "scripts" instead of having to write the whole addresses:

<link>blender</link>  "expands" to
<link>blender.org's Python forum, http://www.blender.org/...</link>
equivalently for "elysiun".

<email>scripts</email> "expands" to
<email>Bf-scripts-dev, bf-scripts-dev at blender.org</email>

Guess I should change the email to bf-scripts-user or something like 
that, I don't recall right now.  Anyway, the idea matters, the links 
I'll fix later.

- you can "hide" your email against spammers (?): use ":" instead of "@" 
and "*" instead of "." and the script will convert when needed. Is that 
enough?  Ex:
write  user at somewhere.com.br   as   user:somewhere*com*br

Just check the <bpy_info>...</bpy_info> block in this new version, it 
uses the updates.

BTW, "Scripts Help Browser" is not a definitive name.  If someone has a 
better suggestion ... maybe "scripts user manuals", don't know ...


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