[Bf-python] Adding help info to scripts

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Wed Nov 3 13:35:57 CET 2004

On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Willian Padovani Germano wrote:

> already.  It is a script that parses help info from installed 
> (registered) scripts and shows it to the user.


> The format is like this, put it in your script and it'll be ready for 

i'm wondering if it makes sense to have an own format, or if something 
existing could be used. like it's quite nice how the pydoc cmdline tool / 
the help() function in the interpreter can be used to read module 
documentations. sure those docs are usually for programmers, and not for 
the end users of the tool, but the description field could still be used 
to provide that kind of instructions too.

(if someone is unfamiliar with that, try e.g. pydoc math on the 
commandline of a unix-like system where it's usually installed, or doing 
e.g. import asyncore; help(asyncore) in the standard Python interpreter)

> Willian


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