[Bf-python] Bundled scripts that use python extensions?

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Mon Nov 1 03:01:18 CET 2004

Hi Jonathan and Joe (joeedh),

Indeed that's a useful feature, many users will be happy with this 
script, congratulations Jonathan.

 From now on bundled scripts will have to be approved on bf-scripts 
mlist and bf-committers, too, there will be tight control of what gets 
in Blender, so there's no general case.  With a group and Blender 
developers interested in discussing this, many possibilities can emerge, 
like the separate bundle that Stephen just mentioned in another email, 
or maybe embracing the C plugins that are somewhat kept apart.  I also 
agree with him about putting non default import statements inside a 
try/except clause, of course.

 From what you said, you wrote a C Python module similar to the ones we 
have in bpython, so if it is approved for inclusion we can just add your 
extension as a new module, Blender.Something.  I'd suggest that you wait 
till you're happy with your code and have some cool examples of its use, 
then email this and the bf-committers list with links to it and an 
elysiun thread, that's a usual path to take, you know.  If there are 
bugs or its not well understood from start you can get into boring 
discussions, as we've seen.

Then comes the irc meeting :), preferably not close to a release.


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