[Bf-python] External scripts

Jonathan Merritt j.merritt at pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
Fri May 28 06:11:20 CEST 2004

Stephen Swaney wrote:

>Because they are wrappers, bpy will not run without blender.
>You can run blender at the command line and execute a bpy
>script, we can even provide a bpy command line prompt from 
>inside blender, but doing anything more is somewhere between
>difficult and impossible with the current bpy architecture.

I like the idea of being able to run a specified script at startup.   Is 
there any possibility of having Blender start fully "in the background", 
without all the GUI being displayed, so that we give the appearance of 
Python-centric rather than Blender-centric control?  I have numerous 
applications for which Blender would make a great additional 3D window, 
but I need to run a GUI built with PyGTK.  I can already do this, btw., 
but it's a pain having to let Blender take over everything.

I'm currently working on a Python wrapper for GLPK (the GNU Linear 
Programming Kit).  When my Python extension module is first loaded, it 
does a certain about of initialisation of the GLPK library.  For me, 
this only involves setting up callbacks to trap error and termination 
conditions so that I can print out some useful messages.  I'm sure most 
wrapper extension modules do a similar thing.  Perhaps the full 
initialisation of Blender in the background could be accomplished in a 
similar way?

>However, blender3 is another story.  There is already a
>secret underground movement to implement blender as python
>extensions.  At that point, the blender/python integration
>will be seamless.  Soon we will rule the world! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Hehehe... :-)  Bring it on!!! :-)  That would sure solve the 
modularization problem...

Jonathan Merritt.

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