[Bf-python] wishes about colorbands

nicolas bonnand nicolas.bonnand at wanadoo.fr
Fri Mar 26 22:12:18 CET 2004


 If I could make a wish...

 I'd like colorband to be a class
by itself.

 I'd like to manipulate colorbands
instances as objects, and even
as "named" objects.
 I could have a rainbow colorband called "rainbow",
, etc ...
and I could ask "Give me the colorband object whose
name is 'rainbow' " 

A colorband class would facilitate works with colorbands
(colorbands import and export with other applications
such as The Gimp for example.)

The idea would be somethings like this:
(the following is not python code,
it is rather imaginary code)

###### class ColorBandPoint #######

r: red value from 0.000 to 1.000

g: green...

b: blue....

a: alpha...

new()   constructor

###### class ColorBand #####

data:   { hash of ColorBandPoint objects, the hash keys being the ColorBandPoint positions}

name:   the name of the color band

interpol: the interpolation type (E, L or S )

new()   constructor

getColorband(optional string name)
-> returns a colorBand object whose name is name
-> returns the complete list of colorbands defined
in the scene, if name is not given 

addPoint(ColorBandPoint cbp,float pos)
-> insert the colorbandpoint cbp in the colorband
at the position pos

delPoint(float position)
-> delete a point in the colorband

-> delete the colorband

### and for the existing Class Texture ####

new attributes:
colorband: the colorband object linked with the texture

new methods:
setColorBand(ColorBand cbd)
-> link texture instance with colorband

-> delete link between colorband from texture
  but don't delete colorband object of course !

registerColorBand(string name)
  Suppose someone, creates a colorband, not
from python, but directly from blender user
interface.Python might not be aware of it.
 This function, would be used to tell python:
" Hey ! There's a colorband in this texture !
Python, could you please create a colorband
object that matches it "



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