[Bf-python] Render

Carlos López klopes at posta.unizar.es
Mon Mar 8 08:53:27 CET 2004

Hi. I speak from my unknowledge :), so this's my idea: as you say, many of the render features are in "scene" source blocks. Indeed, a single scene must be set when a "render()" method is called. So, why is necesary a new whole module? Is not enough a simple calling like, for example:


Moreover, a image will returned, so a code would be like: 

sc.Render( BlenderImageObject , parameters )

I wonder. ???


>Subject: [Bf-python] Render
>   From: "Joseph Gilbert" <models at paposo.com>
>   Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 11:10:49 -0500
>     To: "Bf-Python at Blender. Org" <bf-python at blender.org>
>Just a note. The render module is pretty easy to build, however, I just
>realized that a lot of items that are associated with rendering are
>currently in the scene module. Things like getting/setting the aspect ratio
>for the render for instance. Anyway, this isn't a big deal. For the things
>that are part of the scene module that related to rendering, Scene will call
>the functions from the render module and return. That way there is no API
>I was playing with the idea of making render a submodule of scene because
>the scene struct contains a renderdata struct but most all of the render
>options are applied globally. Also there are some items that apply to the
>RE_render struct only (relating to the render window) which is not part of
>the scene struct. So Im going with the idea of not making render a submodule
>to scene and simply calling render functions from the scene module where
>appropriate. This means the prototypes for render are non static.
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>Bf-python at blender.org

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