[Bf-python] Our ref docs in pdf

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Tue Jun 8 06:41:44 CEST 2004


Talking about the docs, did any of you try the "--pdf" option of epydoc?  I was
testing this today, making some formatting changes to some docs so latex
wouldn't choke and no line would be too long.

The result: we're writing a book, fellow coders.  Run epydoc, waited a few
seconds and got a pdf with 240 pages, more than 900KB (less than 600KB

To get it you need a working latex environment, like the one needed to build
Python official docs.  It goes from .py to tex to dvi to ps to pdf, so you also
need the conversion programs like dvips and ps2pdf or something.

The pdf docs are different, they have all modules in alphabetical order,
starting with Armature and not the main Blender, like the html version.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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