[Bf-python] Scripts open panels

William Reynish william at shadeless.dk
Mon Feb 16 18:22:58 CET 2004

Hi Willian, I just stumbles across this quote from the Blender 2.3 UI proposal:

"Python scripts will get access at the various levels in the new UI layout:
- being able to have a script started from a pull-down menu
  (this within context of the new pulldown menu layout)
- running scripts then can pop up a persistent or temporary button panel (context 2 or 3)
- scripts can be attached to the buttons window, for more elaborate UI creation
- scripts can be attached to Objects (scriptlinks)
- a new window type will be introduced (SpaceScript) to enable full python control over a window."

The bold part I think sounds very interesting, being able to add a panel when executing a script would open a world full of great possibility. Imagine an import script that has a series of options for importing, like weather the user would want to import the geometry as tri's of quads, or weather he would want to import UV textures with it or not. Currently it would have to hijack a whole window space (getting in the way of your workflow). If it opened a temporary button panel (either in the 3D window or the button, or a new class of panel that is truly on top of the interface) it would mean executing scripts would be so much nicer and would work better for custom tools like 'twist' and 'taper' which include settings.

What are your thoughts on this?


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