[Bf-python] Mathutils.

Joseph Gilbert models at paposo.com
Sun Feb 15 14:25:41 CET 2004

Doh!  All values passed to EulToMat3 and EulToQuat need to be in radians not
in degrees. :p  So you would do this:
static PyObject *Euler_ToMatrix(EulerObject *self, PyObject *args)
	float *mat;
	int x;

	for(x = 0; x < 3; x++){
		self->eul[x] *= (Py_PI/180);
	mat = PyMem_Malloc(3*3*sizeof(float));
	EulToMat3(self->eul, mat);
	for(x = 0; x < 3; x++){
		self->eul[x] *= (180/Py_PI);
	return newMatrixObject(mat,3,3);

which returns the correct result. Yea! You can fix the toQuat() and
toMatrix() now in the Euler class.

There is one other problem though.
Mathutils.RotateEuler() still has problems. I figured out why though. Let's
say do this:

eul = Euler([90,0,0])
eul[2] += 50

print eul
(output) [90,0,50]

This is equivalent to adding a 50 degree rotation around the 'z' right?
If we do this though:

RotateEuler(eul, 90, 'z')
print eul
(output) [90, -50, 0]

which is not an equivalent rotation. I was trying to figure out why and I
found the problem. In the function euler_rot() in arthrib.c there is a line:

Mat3MulMat3(totmat, mat2, mat1);

if you change the multiplication order to:
Mat3MulMat3(totmat, mat1, mat2);

Everything works out o.k. This will even return unique euler rotations.

eul = Euler([90,0,0])
eul[1] += 567;
eul[2] += 789;
print eul

(output) [-90, -27, -111]

You can also do the same with the (fixed) RotateEuler function.

eul = Euler([90,0,0])
RotateEuler(eul, 567, 'y')
RotateEuler(eul, 789, 'z')
print eul

(output) [-90, -27, -111]

However if you leave the multiplication order as 2:1 (as it is now) you get

(output) [90, -69, -153]

I'll attach the modified files for the fix to mathutils and euler.
-------------- next part --------------
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