[Bf-python] Mathutils

Michel Selten michel.s at home.nl
Sun Feb 15 19:33:08 CET 2004

On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 03:55, Joseph Gilbert wrote:
> Well here she is.  After many hours Ive checked all the math in this thing.
> I am sure all the math is correct, except for a problem with the euler
> conversions.


This is a very impressive module!
As has been said by Willian, my preference would be not to include the
sin, cos, tan, ... functions since they are already in the math module.
Work is underway to have those modules default with each blender
install. Also, why duplicate stuff? It only means there are more ways to
introduce errors :)
Now, maybe a very stupid question, but have you thought of how to apply
a matrix to an object? I couldn't find a new function in the Object
module. Maybe I didn't look hard enough.
I like the updates you made to the Object module though!

I don't mind if you commit the changes to cvs! Good work!

With regards,

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