[Bf-python] Mathutils

Carlos López klopes at unizar.es
Thu Feb 12 09:00:48 CET 2004

Joseph Gilbert wrote:

>Well here she is.  After many hours Ive checked all the math in this thing.
>I am sure all the math is correct, except for a problem with the euler
>Mathutils consists of the following functions:
>CrossVecs... and some infinite more
It's one of the best news in all the last blender features. Great!

 >jms told:
 >it would be nice if you could add some basic math functions like : 
sin,cos, arcsin,arccos, tan, sqrt, factoriel.

It'd be nice. That's the mean reason because final users must install 
the whole Python. Adding these functions may become it innecessary.


Carlos López Yrigaray

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