[Bf-python] Running Python script from command line

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Wed Feb 11 05:02:20 CET 2004

Hi Chris,

> I have added code to run a Python script from the command line.

Fine : ), that's an old request.  I got your diff file and will try /
look at it carefully after I do the same with other pending
contributions.  This can take a week or so, but of course other bpython
developers can also evaluate contributed code.

> A couple of questions:
> 1. Did I do the right cleanup (e.g., is calling free_libblock enough)?

Usually it should be, for each object created with a MEM_*** allocation
function.  On exit, Blender complains if you forget to delete something
or tries to delete it more than once.

> 2. Is it too grungy to put an "extern" in create.c? If so, which .h
> should I add my new function to?

We usually put our bpython related stuff in BPY_extern.h, but when
needed, no problem using extern.  Don't worry about this now, it's
trivial to change, you know.

> 3. How do I go about submitting this for inclusion (at some future
time) in
> the main CVS code line?

For new developers w/o cvs write access, you've already sent your patch
to the right place.  Later, if you keep contributing, we help / make
sure you're confortable with the code and the tools and then ask if you
want to become a regular Blender developer.  Of course this is just
necessary if a coder plans to stay around contributing.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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