[Bf-python] DRAW Module in Blender Python

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Tue Dec 7 04:21:09 CET 2004

Daphna Steinbach wrote:

>Hi all,
>I have a problem concerning the module DRAW in Blender Python. I want to create a gui with several sliders. e.g let's say I have two sliders and there values range from 0 -255. Now I want to set slider one to value 20 and slider two to value 200. After I have set these values I want to fire the event ! For now I think every slider is sending an event each time you change the sliders value but I have depend sliders and need to fire the event after every value is set, so how can I do that?

Well, you can keep one global var related to each slider (or an array 
for all, of course) with initial "bad" values that get updated to proper 
values after each slider is set.  After each such event you check if any 
var still has the initial value, case not it's done.

But probably it's better to have an extra button that the user can press 
after setting all sliders and other buttons to proper values, like an 
"Update" or "Do It!" sort of button.  After all, even after setting all 
sliders, the user may want to change one of them again before going on.


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