[Bf-python] python 2.4

Jean-Luc Peuriere jlp at nerim.net
Wed Dec 1 07:40:19 CET 2004

Le 1 déc. 04, à 04:26, Willian Padovani Germano a écrit :

> Switching to a new Python version is really not an easy decision, 
> first of all because it comes standard in Linux, other unices (?) and 
> OS X.  If we were to upgrade to 2.4 soon, the majority of users would 
> have to upgrade, too (*), and have to deal with a bunch of rpm 
> dependencies, etc.  But having a testing build with 2.4, let's say one 
> week after each release from 2.37 till we upgrade, might be enough to 
> please users ...

On Os X we simplified a lot things for users when switching to use the 
system python. Unless python 2.4 has really new overwhelming features, 
as Os X platform manager, i request we switch the later possible.

Python 2.4 wont be available in standard before Tiger (mid 2005) at 
least, and as it's here a framework, 2.3 will be still available (a 
framework includes all previous versions of a lib, so no problem when a 
software request an outdated lib). updating to 2.4 too soon means a 
forced manual install which is inadvisable.

So let's wait at least that most  linux distros push this in standard.

Now getting ready for it, and insuring that blender compiles smoothly 
both for 2.3 & 2.4 can and should be done immediately. Users wanting 
2.4 can then compile themselves.


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